Monday, September 1, 2008

To call or not to call

Deciding whether or not it's a good idea to just call the French woman I'm staying with. This could lead to two possible outcomes in my mind. Either I suddenly regain all knowledge of the French language I have otherwise possibly lost over the past 3 months and have a clearly understandable conversation with her and let her know when I will be arriving.
Or, I suddenly get really nervous that I will be talking to a real French person, that is from France, lose most of my knowledge and confidence in the French speaking department and try to resort back to English, but because of her lack of knowledge in the English department we have a very awkward confusing conversation which I don't know how to end because of our lack of a ability to communicate and nothing gets achieved and she now thinks I am a pompous disgusting American.

Actually she is probably right now assuming she is going to be stuck with a pompous gluttonous American. Hopefully I can change that. Hopefully.

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