Wednesday, July 30, 2008

That was at least 2 pizza slices worth of exercise...

I am determined to maintain my exercise plan. Even if it means working out at 10:30pm and not being able to fall asleep because I'm so wired from having just exercised. Those are just the sacrifices I'm willing to make in order to stay in shape, more like form the semblance of a shape.. I haven't worked out consistently in a verr verr long time. I have many a time randomly gone out for a run and then maybe three or four weeks later repeated that same ritual, always with the hope that two days later I'll run again. But this time it's different! I'm not quite sure why yet, but I will find a reason that will further motivate me! I'll just think it over while I eat one of those yummy little dark chocolate sticks... Maybe I would be a much more determined exerciser if I measured my exercise in food.. maybe I should stop thinking about food so much. But it's so good! hmmm...

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