Saturday, July 26, 2008

Shut up and watch television while I check my facebook

Children I babysat today: 2
Men I ran into at a wedding ceremony who I once dated who are now gay: Only 1 (thank god)

I love my niece and nephew, just not so much when I have to babysit them. Thank god I was able to distract them with a combination of bowling, Miley Cyrus and ice cream until it was bedtime. Good to know Miss Cyrus is good for something. She's such a stick, you know she isn't eatin' no ice cream. I can't believe she was at the Oscars. Lame. I haven't babysat in a really long time, that's what happens when you go away to college I suppose. I survived though with sticky hands, Ryan's pants covered in blue ice cream and my dignity! I'd say mission accomplished.

I think that's the sound of a kid rustling around in their bed...I guess my job isn't over yet.

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