Monday, August 2, 2010

This old thing?

I became very busy after my last blog post to say the least.

Cliff Notes version: Got a job, kept auditioning, taking classes, signed lease on apartment, was just cast in my first production in New York.

Nothing to phone home about really, it's a non-paying one act about high schoolers auditioning for A Chorus Line, which I think is hilarious, and it's nice to be working on something and quell my fears that I will never ever be in a real show again. For now.

July was hectic, August is already starting to feel more soothing. Starting off with a nice relaxing day with my sister. I'm so lucky to live near to my family. I like to think I could handle total and complete independence thousands of miles away from home just fine, but it really helps to have the fam near by.

I still have tons of random tid-bits that need to get done. In the midst of all my tid-bits though, I seriously need to brush up on my French. I always hear people speaking it in the restaurant and it makes me want to speak with them, but I lack so much confidence in that department. It's time for more change and confidence and inspiration.

I picked up backstage the other day and there were all these books that the Drama Book Shop said were really inspiring for actors -- must reads, so I walk in and I'm like where can I find these books and they're like: Oh these books? They're out of print. Ok well that was helpful. I'm so glad I took the time to read this article. Great. Moving on to more positive things, I'm all registered for One on One, now I just need the savings to pay for me to meet all these wonderful directors and casting directors and agents.

I'm thinking August will be my saving-up-for-things month. Great choice since nearly everyone in Manhattan goes on vacation in August and therefore will not be eating at my restaurant and therefore will not be tipping me.

Ok so how about September instead... everyone reluctantly coming back to live in their overcrowded city and paying me some monies. Yes, I think that's a better idea.

I swear I will write more than once every 4 months. It's for my peace of mind, therapy... or to make my self think I'm important. Does it really matter why I do it? It's not like anyone reads this thing.

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