Now that I'm back in Jersey I'm starting to really appreciate the unique grit and edge fellow Jersey-ians have which most bloomingtonians lack. It adds so much to the culture of Jersey.
I'm sitting in my car waiting to get my gas pumped today and some teenager said something offensive which provoked the guy pumping my gas which resulted in him yelling and calling him a mother f*cker. That would never happen in Bloomington because: A. In Bloomington you pump your own gas and B. In general people are more polite. And what's not to love about the bizarre half Philadelphia half Long Island/New York accent. Where else can you find such a rare blend? And there is always the grade A Jersey trash which can often be found sulking around the AMC 24.
Ok time to brush my teeth and get ready to complete my jersey experience by going to a bar or two to celebrate my friend's birthday. Typical Jersey-ians' obnoxious/tacky factor increases exponentially with the amount of alcohol consumed. God I missed New Jersey.
I hope my post doesn't come off as offensive. Who am I kidding- I don't care, I'm from Jersey, I share whatever opinions I have off the top of my head without hesitation.
The truth is there are offensive, edgy, obnoxious tacky people like that found in Jersey everywhere across America, but there are more in New Jersey because the state is so densely populated and they would really rather be in New York or Philadelphia rather then stuck somewhere in gray area between.
Just so you know, now that I know this exists, I'm gonna start reading it. Hooray!
so that's all great, but you don't mention my enchiladas even once!
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