Saturday, May 24, 2008

Any time's a good time for a Bloody Mary as far as I'm concered

Now that I'm 21 and therefore a lot more fun I've found myself drinking in the middle of the day much more often. But what's a glass of wine with dinner, and you know a Bloody Mary after and then a couple Jello Shots after that? I mean some one bought that liquor (still not sure who) so someone else could drink it and enjoy it with lets say some turkey tacos for dinner.

It's not like now that I'm 21 I suddenly feel I have to accept the offer to drink at every possible moment, I just don't want to be rude. Also it doesn't help that Aly and I just cleaned out the pantry and were suddenly inspired to write a book of all the alcoholic concoctions we could come up with from the random junk in our pantry.

It's summer, no school or stressful work loads, and furthermore it's Memorial day weekend! So I'm going to party it up thank you very much and I don't appreciate people questioning whether or not it's a good idea for me to finish a bottle of wine in one myself.

I'll drink to that.

Lets see if that batch of Jello shots are ready.

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