Lots has changed since my last posting. I have a job, I'm not miserable, I lost some weight and there's snow on the ground. I think that pretty much sums up my progression in life thus far.
It is Christmas for 3 more minutes.
Tomorrow I will be hitting the shops at Freehold Raceway Mall with my trusty shopping companion- my mother. I am in search of snow boots and a better ski/winter jacket in preparation for my trip to Chicago/Michigan! I could not be happier to escape the east coast. After some less-than-perfect commuting experiences (yes I'm talking about you, NJ Transit) and fighting through the manic bustle of midtown Manhattan at Christmas time I would love nothing more than to be trapped in a cabin in the woods. I usually am adverse to the idea of that kind of seclusion. I mean if some wack-a-doodle comes on over and decides to recreate a couple of scenes from the movie Scream, no one will hear me scream. Sound reasoning, I know. If I could escape paranoia, I would, but until then this is what I have to deal with.
I am also paranoid my luggage will be lost since my sister (who jumped the pond to England for Christmas with her English hubby) had her luggage misplaced by the airlines and as a result has to dress in her mother-in-laws' stand-bys. Clearly I must learn my lesson and precautionary steps must be taken in my packing efforts.
Goal: Fit everything for a week in very cold, wintery climate into one carry on bag.
Reality: Never gonna happen. Must face my fear of losing luggage with a couple extra pairs of underpants stashed in my purse.
What I'm actually worried about more than not getting my luggage when I get off the plane is the trouble I might face getting on the plane, meaning security might be more strict and generally annoying now that this bozo decided to commit an act of terrorism on a flight to Detroit.
I don't mean to end on a downer.
Watch, the trip will be easy as pie and I won't run into one complication on my journey.
We'll see.
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