Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fully rested

Time I went to bed last night: never
Time I went to bed this morning: 6:30am
Time I woke up this afternoon to an overwhelming feeling of lazy, I waste my life away-ness: 4pm

I really needed the sleep though. I'm just worried I won't be able to fall back asleep tonight. I maintained a very poor sleeping pattern this weekend. I need to get better at that. Probably having some kind of schedule will help me not waste my weekends away. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed with the fact that I have three day weekends every weekend. I always had Friday classes, so I was never really allowed the amazing-ness of the regular three day weekend. But a lack of free Fridays is not completely to blame.

I did stay up till 5 am to watch the debate on Thursday night for no good reason.

I did get completely horribly drunk on Friday night so that I was pretty hung over all day Saturday.

I did stay out all night until the metros came back on because it was Nuit Blanche.

Ok that's it, from now on there is no more watching debates live, I'll just have to you tube the next day. And I've already decided it's a good idea to never drink that much champagne again, and Nuit Blanche only comes once a year, so this should never happen again, right?


I'll just keep telling myself that.

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