I don't know what is wrong with me today. Usually my reaction to caffeine is mild, but today I am a little cray cray. Who am I kidding. There is a whole lot of cray cray in this Bonnie. I was listening to npr and I started to repeat what they were saying to see if I sounded a smart and interesting as they did. Maybe I should look into radio journalism, it's not like it's a really narrow competitive field. Whatever I need to try out my idea for my 30 sec interval cooking show.
Why are American Political Science books so lame to read. So uninteresting. My psychology book is much more interesting. Maybe all the pictures of George Bush are turning me off.
I don't know how to turn myself off over drive. It's even hard to read because I keep wanting to go faster and faster, but I can only read so fast! Fourth grade sucked because there was all this standardized testing and you had to read the story and answer questions about it and I was a slow reader. I always finished last.
I like to think my reading speed has increased significantly since the 4th grade.
Unfortunately I have no evidence to prove otherwise.
I wish:
I wasn't enrolled in Am pol sci
I had time to watch my netflix movies
I wasn't feeling so cracked out
I had a job that payed me
I was a skinny little person who could eat anything without jeopardizing her health or waist line
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