Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I keep telling myself I'm going to update this thing and then when I finally make it up stairs to my room, I'm too tired to do anything else but sync my iPod and fall asleep! I need those Podcasts for the trips to and from work, don't ya know!

This is going to have to wait another day. There is hope for tomorrow! Hope that I won't get a speeding ticket and will not be bored and in solitude at work. But more on that later.

The time has come to catch Zs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When you least expect it

I have spent weeks sitting alone in my house job searching with disappointing results. Monday I finally decided it would be good to get out of the house and do something else for a change, so I went to my sister's 7th grade classroom and helped her finish some end of term busy work. That night I went into the city to see my friend Cara. She created this piece of theater called Better Not Touch That and hosted a party to raise money for the show which will go up in the Fall. My friend Erica and I went to the benefit at this cool little bar called The Living Room in the east village after getting tapas at this great little cuban place (of course that was not nearly enough to satisfy Erica and I's appetite so we had to grab some late-night sushi after the show). A couple of great blue grass bands played which were sporadically joined by this awkward kind-of-hipster-crowd-dancing couple unfortunately. Fortunately, I drank enough that I didn't care, anyways I was so happy to have an excuse to go into the city.

Low and behold the next day I get a call with a job offer, for a job that starts tomorrow. Weird how these things work. It's so obvious now; you have to get out and forget about your day to day work every once in while. I think job searching is like watching water boil, it wont happen until you step away and leave it alone for a little while.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Oprah shmopra, she's gone cray cray

I found this article when I was in Barnes and Nobles, it had a huge tear stained picture of Oprah on the cover, so of course I grabbed it and flipped straight to the cover story.

I wonder if her brainwashed followers really believe everything she says. I've got a box of sweater capes and aged red wine that says they do.

Let me tell you something about our family, we are thick as thieves

This is an extra special post because it's my first post from my shiny new MacBook Pro. I can't wait to do all the fun cool kid mac stuff like make movies and .. and well make movies.. I don't know, I'm still figuring it out. I need someone to explain this time capsule thing to me again. Act like I'm a 1st grader, very plain and simple. Maybe that will work.

Still on the job hunt, I feel like I've been getting no where fast for the past month. I don't know how much longer I can last staying at home all day with out a car. That coupled with the fact that it's been raining pretty consistently for over a week means I'm probably gonna start looking a lot like Alice Ripley's character in Next to Normal. But I guess that's not the worst thing since she did just win a Tony award for her performance. It could be worse. I could not have wireless internet like last year and have to stalk wifi coffee houses all day.

At least then I had a car.

It would just be nice to have human interaction during the day you know? I can only pretend to be friends with the Real Housewives of Orange County for so long before my bank account fake implodes. But then I could say, "My bank accounts as big as her bubbies."

That sounds really bizarre unless you know the quote I'm referencing. This is what my life has come to, re inventing quotes from a spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off of a Bravo reality TV show.

Time to go back to job searching.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Still trying to upload the video I made :( Why is this not working?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

On Broadway

I finally got a chance to go into the city and see a show again! I thought the day would never come. We went to see West Side Story, I really enjoyed it and I even made a little video to go with it! Weird, I know it, but you'll get use to it! (SHH reference anyone?) My only major qualm was if it was necessary to add in the whole ballet sequence during the reprise of Someday, I mean sharks and jets dancng happily with each other? C'mon we get it, they want everyone to get along, it's cliché enough, do you have to also make them hold hands while they jeté?

Now I want to make the cooking show thing happen... Meanwhile I still have about 5 plays I'm dying to see, the next one has to be Next to Normal, I can't wait any longer to see it. I don't care how long I have to wait in line for rush tickets with a hundred 20 something gay Brooklyn the musical lovers. It is going to happen, mark my words.