At the library. One more day until I leave for spring break! Sandy beaches of Destin, FL here I come. I am not very good at keeping up with my blog. The truth is I don't think anyone reads it and don't see why I should update it, there are so many means of communication. Maybe it's because I'm so journalism focused this semester, but I need a specific focus for this blog. What's my niche audience? Who am I appealing to? Hmm, maybe I'll figure this out while relaxing on the beach. Or maybe genius will strike when I'm passed out drunk. One never knows, does one?
In the mean time, I need to pack for my trip and prepare by making CDs for the long car ride and the like. I hope I don't forget anything. My mom shipped me my summer clothes so I'll have things to wear! Hopefully it'll be warm and sunny enough to wear all of it! It feels so cold here, anything warmer will be wonderful. Being at the beach is relaxing in general. So is drinking alcohol. So really, I can't go wrong here. Perfect.