Monday, December 29, 2008

The only person who doesn't like Winter Break

Here is the problem with winter break: I have absolutely no responsibility or pressure to accomplish anything, so nothing I tell myself I will get done over break gets done. So after months of being busy and doing homework and having assignments due, I feel useless and I can't wait to get back to being busy and having assignments due. I try to make lists but that doesn't really help much. Now that I have discovered my love for The Office, I really can't get anything done. Why do anything when you can sit and watch another episode of The Office? I mean really. I can watch it instantly on Netflix, so there's nothing holding me back from seeing every episode before I do anything productive. Fortunately I have been able to get myself to work out downstairs on the treadmill. But since working out doesn't require me to go to the gym, I usually don't end up leaving the house on some days.

I think it's good for me, I'm getting a better understanding of the mole people and why there are communities of people who live underground in the subways.

Ok maybe this isn't good for me.

Friday, December 19, 2008

From one land of the red white and blue to the next

Finally came out of my stress induced comma that comes with finals week and traveling trans-atlantic-ly. But now I'm home! Paris feels kind of like a dream, it very well could have been. I'm so sad to see all of it go. No more Baguettes from a boulangerie around the corner, no more walking or being a metro ride away from everything. I don't know how I'll take actually driving a car again. It's been 4 months since the last time I've done that. On the up side I think I'll have little to now problem with the jet lag because I went to bed at 10 pm and woke up at 8:30 am and feel fine, it's the equivalent of going to bed at 3am and waking up at 2:30pm Paris time. The crazy party girl in me is use to that, but party girl Bonnie might crash at some point but she does come with a her own makeup remover and alarm clock ... we'll see.

Back to watching mindless television! In English!! Ahh! So wonderful!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Stockholm Syndrome

Back from Stockholm and sickly. Luckily I have tons of work to do, so being really sick and tired shouldn't be a problem. Stockholm was worth it though. I love me some Swedish meatballs, and ice skating and ice bars, only for about 20 min though, then it's just freakin' cold. I have so much to do before I fly to America, it feels like it's never going to happen. What if I stay in France for the rest of my life? They better open up a chili's by me and start serving frozen margaritas, that's all I gotta say. Unfortunately the odds of that are slim to none, so it's back to work so I can make it back to the motherland!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Only three weeks left until I'm on a plane home to the states. I keep feeling like there are a million things I still have left to do here. I don't want to leave and regret not doing or seeing or eating something. Speaking of eating something, I visited the boulengerie today that is rated the best in Paris 2008, needless to say it was DELICIOUS.

I have so much work left to finish, I don't know how I'm going to get it finished in 17 days. Ah I can't believe I only have 17 days, at first I get really excited, then scared because I have to finish a lot of work, then sad because I'm going to miss everyone I've met here-and Paris! It's a lot of emotion for just hearing a number.

Went to Amsterdam this past weekend- ask me personally for the details as I feel like my experience is not something I feel comfortable putting out into the bloggous-sphere. Whoa have you ever tried spelling that before? I never thought about that, I always hear people say it, but I've never read it.. huh .. interesting. I wonder what the AP style book has to say about that. Done trying to procrastinate by talking about bloggusphere. Does that spelling work better?

Stockholm this weekend. Oh man, I'm not going to get this work done am I?

We'll see how this goes.